Contact Us
Our Locations
Learning Centres
Private Education Institute
Tampines West
Blk 866A Tampines St. 83 #03-01 Tampines Central C.C
Singapore 521866
Tampines East
Blk 201E Tampines st. 23
Singapore 527201
Blk 891 Tampines Ave 8
#01-82 Singapore 520891
343 Tampines St 33 #01-318 (s)520343
Join Us
We're constantly searching for new teachers to train and help them work through this new journey in the Education field. If you like to be a teacher who has a similar mindset to grow and help children learn, reach out to us and we can have a chat.
We also have positions for relief staff and tuition teachers. We offer flexible hours to cater to different teacher's needs.
Positions available: Full-Time Teacher, Flexi Full Time Teacher, Permanent Part-Time Teacher, Administrative Staff, Part-Time/Freelance Relief Teachers, Assitant Teachers.
We are also always looking for opportunities for collaborations. Do reach out to us if you are interested in potential ways we can work together.